Expansion Of Islam Essay

Words: 795
Pages: 4

Islam’s Expansion

Islam expanded successfully through various tactics, such as trade, war, scholarship, and conquest. Through war and conquest they drew people in through payments and tax refunds. With the expansion of the Arabic language Islamic religion traditions got passed to the other traders including: Meca, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Spain. To make trade easier Islam used the power of knowledge by creating new technology. Scholarship was highly valued for the Muslims and become a part of the Islamic culture. Through these various ways the Islamic religion spread through many countries. Islamic leaders used war and conquest tactics of supplying payments by giving conquered people the option of paying taxes or converting created for a large expansion of
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Muslims focused time and effort into expanding their knowledge of those categories. With knowledge of science, different cultures and scholars, and architecture Islam developed into a successful empire that drew many people to join. The advancements of science were particularly important to the Muslims. Rulers believed in having qualified physicians to treat the ill. They believed if they had proper care for the sick it will keep more people alive in the empire, but also make more people want to leave there. An establishment founded by the Islam’s was the House of Wisdom. The House of Wisdom was a combination of a library, academy, and translation center. Many scholars from different cultures and beliefs would come to together to translate texts. These people created the basic methods of today’s research. The acceptance of Islam and all cultures is shown through the architecture. The architecture consists of little aspects of all the cultures in one. This shows how though Islam being accepting of all played a huge part in the expansion of the empire. Islam’s strong belief in the power if learning was a critical aspect of Islam’s