Raw Data Table: The Main Chemical Concepts Of The Theory Of Lab

Submitted By williamchhim
Words: 508
Pages: 3

Raw Data Table 1: The mass of unknown E is weight for every 0.20 mL added to the vial.

| Mass (gram) | Volume (mL) | 1 | 0.40 g | 0.40 mL | 2 | 0.67 g | 0.60 mL | 3 | 0.95 g | 0.80 mL | 4 | 1.22 g | 1.00 mL | 5 | 1.50 g | 1.20 mL |

Figure 1: is base on the density of the unknown E for every 0.20 mL added the vial.

Discussion and Assigned Questions: The discussion is one of the most important parts of the entire lab report. The discussion should begin with a brief introduction covering an explanation of the theory of the experiment (not restating the procedure!!!). In this introduction, make sure to discuss the main chemical concepts of the experiment and start to transition to how these concepts apply to your specific results in the lab. (This should not take more than 1 or 2 paragraphs, the goal is to provide a “scientific” reader with the background information necessary to understand and appreciate your results, think of it like telling a cohesive story from your introduction on to your results and conclusions).

After this, and most importantly, you need to explain your data (final data from yield, melting point, IR, NMR, etc.) in the lab and their significance (i.e. use evidence to prove your conclusion). Also, any problems or errors you encountered should be discussed. Even though we are not using statistical error analysis, as you may have previously used, you can still give a thorough account of what errors might have occurred throughout the course of the lab to skew your results (e.g. lower your yield). Also, at the end of each discussion, briefly comment on what changes you would make to the lab and comment on possible changes to your technique if you were to redo the experiment.
Discussion and Assigned Question

This experiment was started