Experiments During The Holocaust

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Pages: 3

The Holocaust had many doctors who did varieties of experiments. There were thousands of Jews killed. Children, parents, and loved ones were lost forever only to be in our hearts and remembered forever. Even though many awful things happened, the research they did contributes to modern day medicine.
There were many different doctors of the Holocaust, many different experiments, and many different ways the testing changed modern day medicine. During the Holocaust there was a doctor at Auschwitz named Josef Mengele who specialized in experiments on twins. He was the man who chose which Jews would be “enjoyable” to operate on or who to murder at the gas chambers. Diseases, heart injection, organ, and internal experiments is also what he enjoyed experimenting with.
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Doctors were at every camp and tortured, hurt, and murdered millions of Jews. With all the doctors there were in the Holocaust there also a lot of experiments they did. There was a man who was a Jew and taken to a concentration camp. Dogs were brought out with poison on their teeth. They chose him and some other people. The doctors then let the dogs go and chase them biting at their legs, while they run as fast as they could. The poison went into the Jews bodies and killed some. After that the doctors watched to see what happened to the Jews bodys. Next Kids would be visited by “Smiling Uncle Mengele” and brought candy then they would be taken to the cars with red crosses and murdered. Doctors would also do bone grafting and nerve experiments. They would take out parts of their bones, nerves, and muscles from all over their body and transplant them to different people to see if it could regenerate or have a successful transplant. On the operating table they would break the bone with a hammer. Experiments the doctors would do were gruesome and more than likely lead to mortality. The experiments they did back then to Jews was quite different from the experiments