Explain How Effective Communication Is Important In Developing Positive Relationships With Children, Young People And Adults

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Effective communication is extremely important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults because it is the means by which we begin to build a trust and respect. It is important however, that when communicating with different people we remember that each person is an individual and needs to be treated as such. The approach to affective communication must be appropriate to the person we are engaging with. For example, when communicating with a child, one must not give the impression of having ultimate power over them by towering over them. Instead, we must get down to their level by perhaps crouching down, or sitting on a chair. This can also be true for young people and even adults in some cases, so starting a conversation when both parties are perhaps sitting down achieves a much calmer and less domineering state. …show more content…
Although speaking different languages can be a more obvious barrier to affective communication between individuals, the less obvious differences in approaches need to be considered. Body language can be interpreted differently by different people. The main factors affecting positive communication centre on five things; giving appropriate feedback, listening and understanding, interpreting things like body language and eye contact (not just what they are actually saying), engaging with the person your are communicating with, and showing respect. If you show these things when communicating with people, be it children, young people or adults, they will feel that you are really listening and interested in what they have to say, thus positive relationships are formed. When you have a positive working relationship with people, you can achieve far more together and avoid any unnecessary uneasiness or