Explain The 9 Levels Of Hell In Dante's Inferno

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Pages: 1

In Dante’s Inferno , the 9 levels of hell are separated depending on the 7 different sins that people have committed. The crime always fits the punishment of each sinner an ideal example of this is when Dante walks through the seventh outer circle where the violent are punished for murder or being tyrant. As found in Canto 11 their punishment is to be half tree and human hybrids , they are punished by harpies biting on their limbs and branches for eternity (line 35).
The punishment vary from what sins that have been commited from the first circle being the less punished to the 9th being eaten by satan himself for eternity. Another example found in canto 5 is the lustful being punished by black howling tempest winds blowing them away in a