Explain Why Sehet Fights Against Antibiotic Resistance

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Pages: 3

Sehet fights against Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic resistance is a general term which is given to a condition where the microbe causing the disorder becomes immune to the antibiotic medicine that you might take to contradict their action. This is mostly in the case of the bacteria, as antibiotics like penicillin are mostly given to conditions that have bacterial origin. This type of resistance from the microorganism has in many ways affected the health of the people and has also made it impossible for the pharmaceutical companies to develop antibiotics to destroy these bacteria. If you look it closely, you can see that antibiotic resistance seems to stem from various reasons. Regardless of the cause, several humans and animals alike suffer
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The antibiotic resistance has its effects both on the humans as well as the animals. By large, this condition can affect the society that you live in as a whole. Not only does this increase the money that you have to spend on healthcare, but also increases the risk of spreading diseases. Antibiotics are produced to counteract the effects of the microorganism, but if they lose their viability, then diseases are sure to be on the rise. As Sehet points out, you will end up spending money for the treatment, but can never find a solution to the problem.
Sehet in Calgary helps you to understand how this particular condition can spread from one person to other. We have seen the causes and now it is time to know how it can be transmitted from one person to another. Several food industries are known to inject these medications into the fruits or vegetables to enhance their growth. The same is the case for the livestock like the cattle, birds and other animals. Humans, who consume such foods, take the load into their system unknowingly. Needless to say, infants come under the high risk group, as their immune system is yet to develop and become