Exploring The Role Of Anxiety In The United States

Words: 459
Pages: 2

Anxiety is a natural emotion, and can prove beneficial in times of distress or trouble. But when it also can lead to different types of disorders when the emotion is not controlled. In the United States today, more than 10% of teenagers suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is a disorder that changes the "flight or fight" characteristic that we are born with. When anxiety is triggered, it takes over many different parts of your body, causing you to lose control over little things like your muscles or your breathing. You begin to experience many different things: shortness of breath, high blood pressure, excessive sweating, shakiness, unintentional alertness, and nausea, and others.

The amygdala is found in the middle part of the brain. The amygdala’s job is to communication with the rest of the brain and interpret what is being sent to it. When someone is suffering from an anxiety disorder, this communication is disrupted. The amygdala fails to understand the impulses and thoughts being sent to it, causing false impulses to be sent to the rest of the brain.
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It’s job is to encode threatening situations and turn them into memories. If the amygdala cannot properly interpret what is happening in front of a person, then the hippocampus takes that situation and turns it into a negative memory. This causes that memory to return every time that situation, or one similar to it, arises. When anxiety is triggered, so is the “fight or flight” impulse. This causes the hippocampus to encode the memory of that feeling during that