Exterior Configuration Of North America Summary

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Pages: 3

Alexis de Tocqueville was a French politician, landowner, farmer, and political writer. He was sent to America to analyze the America’s prison system, but Tocqueville was far more interested in its American Democracy that he analyzed that in far more detail. He composed a book containing his thoughts and opinions, but remained un-sided as he explained that he was simply an observer. In chapter one of Alexia de Tocqueville’s book Democracy in America, the title is named “Exterior Configuration of North America.” As to figure out what “exterior configuration” specifically, the Merriam Webster Dictionary provides us a definition of both words. This dictionary states that “exterior” means, “being on an outside surface; observable by outward signs; suitable for use on outside surfaces.” The word “configuration” means, “a relative arrangement of parts or elements: such as (1): Shape (2): contour of land. From these definitions, we begin to develop an idea of what Tocqueville means by “exterior configuration.” …show more content…
He says that it was prepared by God for man. As we use the definitions from the Merriam Webster Dictionary and the context from Tocqueville’s book, we can see that Tocqueville is talking about how America is so beautiful and resourceful. Further, he is talking about the geography and placement of America’s resources throughout the country. He is discussing the land formations and different structures within it (mountains, valleys, etc.). Tocqueville is talking about the “configuration” (the arrangement of land) of America’s “exterior (meaning the geography of its