Eymp4 3.3

Words: 1459
Pages: 6

Develop health and safety and risk management policies procedures and practice in health and social care or children and young people’s settings

1.1 Explain the legislative framework for health, safety and risk management in the work setting.
The Health and safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of the health and safety legislation in Great Britain that is to be adhered to by all companies, employers and employees. It is the legal framework that promotes the high standards expected within a work place. The legal framework is made up of many different acts and regulations such as Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999(amended 2003), RIDDOR 1995, COSSH 1994(amended 2002), Manual Handling Operations 1992, Food Safety Act 1990 and Food
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Risk assessments are constantly reviewed, due to the nature of the services and the people that we support displaying complex or challenging behaviour it is sometimes deemed necessary to review risk assessments after each activity this way we are able to identify as a team “what’s working” and “what’s not working” with regards to risk management.
3.2 Work with individuals and others to assess potential risks and hazards.
At the day centre we have some service users that sometimes can display challenging behaviour by carrying out care plans and risk assessments with the service user, social services and those involved in their care such as family members, friends or carers we can assess potential risks and hazards and put a plan in place of what potential triggers are and how to handle the situation.
3.3 Work with individuals and others to manage potential risks and