Fahrenheit 451 Caesar's Praetorian Guards Essay

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Pages: 2

Caesar’s Praetorian Guards

“They’re Caesar’s praetorian guards, whispering as the parade roars down the avenue, ‘remember Caesar, thou art mortal’.” Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury, page 87

In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Bradbury suggests that Caesar's praetorian guards act the way books do for people. Praetorian Guards originated during the Roman Republic. Even though the Praetorian guards had a plethora of jobs, their main role in society was a force of bodyguards for the emperor. They served as emergency firefighters since fire was always a peril in Ancient Rome. The Praetorian Guards performed at the Roman Games and handled the crowds there. They acted as a secret police force and did everything in their power to protect what the Roman