Fahrenheit 451 Technology Analysis

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Pages: 4

“I think it brought the world closer together, and will continue to do that.” This was said by Steve Jobs, the developer of the company Apple. He made the base of one of the most successful technological companies in our society. In the novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, it helps represent a society consumed by technology and the consequences that arise around it. When taking our society and Bradbury’s society into consideration it raises questions on technology and how reliant we are on it. Although some people believe technology impairs society, technology advances society because of the global communication it allows, the distraction it provides, and the accessibility to information it allows. One major benefit of technology is the connection it permits the world to have. People are now able to talk with one another while being on opposite …show more content…
An article, written by Mary Schmich, titled, “Resisting the Urge to Download With the Devil,” discusses the idea of people gettting “instant distraction, especially from life’s hard, grim thoughts.(Schmich)” There are some tendencies that people start to question their lives. People may begin to have existential crises. This is when they question their existence and whether or no it is even worth living or not, and technology can dull the pain caused by these never ending questions. Mildred kept “… her Seashell was tamped in her ear again and she was listening to far people in far places, her eyes wide and staring at the fathoms of blackness above her in the ceiling.(Bradbury, 39)” The time people spend lying in bed before they fall asleep allow them to develop depressive thoughts. Mildred is keeping herself distracted in order to stay in a passive state. When given too much time people start to get confused on what to do with themselves. Technology allows people to stay content, relax, and stay distracted from the petty problems of the