Faith In Black Brotherhood

Words: 465
Pages: 2

First, faith, its definition “complete trust or confidence in someone or something” according to Google. This essay is about Faith using sources that we have read and discussed in class like the Black Brotherhood of our Lady of Recife. However, before talking about the topic of faith in this paper, a little bit of history must be known. It is an important topic because it affected so many people and caused the oppression of the Indigenous. It is a topic that is overlooked and some Caucasians would even go as far to say that the Indigenous people “should be thanking us” and that is another reason why it is important. So, the most dominant religion that was brought and forced upon the Indigenous in Latin America was Christianity. Now, the Christian era began in the New World in 1492. The Spaniards brought in a unique code of ethics, a new concept of what is good and bad, baptism, heaven and hell, the Saints, family, and the crucifixion of Christ. In the new world, the church ended the human sacrifices and cannibalism. That was part of the faith/culture of some Indigenous tribes. …show more content…
When the Europeans first came to Latin America, their actions were not very good. European history has done a lot in Latin America. There is a long disastrous result of the indigenous peoples. After 1492, Europeans shared most of Western civilization in civilizations before many parts of South America. Yet, these complex ideas are the controversial feature of the continent as a continual dispute between the cultural diversity continent, the dependency on European countries, and the traditional