Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Pages: 2

Night, written by Elie Wiesel is about a little boy who is forced to go to a concentration camp along with his family and neighbors leaving everything he had behind. Elie was transferred to many different camps and suffered many immoral encounters. Throughout the book Night there are many examples of how people start to lose faith in God during their time in the concentration camps. In this book the theme is that, Man struggles to keep faith in a benevolent God in times of extreme difficulty. In the beginning of the book, during Elie’s first night in camp he said, “Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever...Never shall I forget these moments which murdered my God forever”(page 32). This quote shows how Elie was starting …show more content…
In the book during one of the hangings, a child was hung in front of everyone, someone yelled “where is God...Where is he?”(pg 61). The crowd didn’t understand how their God could let such a thing happen to a young child, let alone in front of such a huge crowd. That same guy asked the same questions again as the little boy died slowly and painfully, hanging on the gallows. After the selection days, Elie said that “[Akiba] wasn’t the only one to lose faith during those selection days”(72), so did a rabbi from Poland who used to pray everyday. The rabbi said that “[it was] the end” and “God was no longer with them”(72) Many people lost faith in God after the selection days because they couldn’t understand how God would let them be cremated alive just because they were weak and useless to someone. In conclusion, the book Night shows many examples throughout the entire book of how Man struggles to maintain their faith in their benevolent God in times of extreme suffering. Not only did Elie show how he lost faith, but so did Akiba, the Rabbi, and many others in the camp with Elie. They all faced a great deal of suffering during that time. It’s those times of suffering and extreme situations that make people lose faith in their God. This shows how when situations become difficult and immoral, people begin to question their faith and then in the end lose