Family and Conrad’s Personality Essay

Submitted By Ashton-Esparza
Words: 312
Pages: 2

1. Conrad’s personality is influenced by his mother, his father, his therapist and himself. Conrad is sad angry with his brother and at himself for letting go.(Which lead to his brothers death) He is mad and sad he feels like his mother doesn't love him. He has feelings of regret after he attempts suicide.

2.His recent attempt at suicide,his brothers death ,and the way his mother is not showing any affection or interest in him. All the feelings of guilt ,regret, sadness, lack of affection from his mother places him at high risk.

3. Conrad’s childhood was good until the death of his brother.He blamed himself which ultimately lead him to attempt suicide.When out of the hospital Conrad feels that his mother doesn't understand him and that she doesn't even love him. He still blamed himself for the death of his brother until a night where he broke down and with the help of his therapist realized it wasn't his fault. His mother and father soon split up and because she has changed after the death of the eldest son and her husband feels like her love for him and Conrad got buried along with the him. With the help of his father, Conrad can have a bright future . He was planning to go to college and starting to see that things are not his fault .

4. A scene where nature takes place is when Conrad blames himself for the death of his brother and tries to slit his wrists. A scene where nurture takes place is at the end when Conrad asks If his mother is leaving because