Family Ethnography Essay

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Pages: 2

My ethnicity is Mexican-American. My mother’s name is Tiffany Penton Farmer, and her parents are Johnny and Lori Penton. I call my mother’s parents Poppi and Mimi, and they are from Carriere, Mississippi and Picayune, Mississippi. My father’s name is Miguel Garcia Jr., and his parents are Miguel Sr. (Mike) and Freda Garcia. My dad, Mawmaw Freda, and Pawpaw Mike are from Guadalajara, Mexico. All of my family live in Picayune now. I was born at Crosby Hospital in Picayune on October 4, 1999, but it is now under the name of Highland Hospital. The structure of the family I live In is an extended family. I live with my mother Tiffany, my brother Ethan, and my step dad Stevie. Both my are authoritative figures in my house. My family and my mother’s family are Baptist, but my father’s family is …show more content…
Most of the time when we have to have a funeral for a family member, we usually have a slide show or some sort of presentation to show them throughout their life. We also allow any family members who would like to speak to stand in front of the crowd and tell their story. After everyone has had their moment to speak or watch the presentation we then close with singing their favorite hymn. At my Pawpaw Mike’s funeral, we actually had the music and speeches in Spanish first then in English. In my mother’s family, most of the family members who have passed have been cremated. We do not actually have any health beliefs or anything like that. Both of my families just kind of go to the doctor and do what they are told to do by the doctor. We take medicines and treatments like normal. The only beliefs related to death and burial are that everyone is going to die at some point and that God has it all planned out. My family tends not to stress or worry about losses or illnesses because we just pray that God will heal the victim or put them