Fantastic Voyage 1 Essay

Submitted By TMBradley2003
Words: 1192
Pages: 5

The Fantastic Voyage Hello, I am a video reporter, and we are going to be put on a mini sub that has been put through miniaturization process making ourselves and the sub about 8 microns long. Today, with our journey, we will be going to be doing a video report on the tour starting from the right femoral vein of a healthy female body, and we will be ending at the lower lobe of the right lung. We have recently found out that there is a bacterium invading the lower lobe of the right lung. Traveling through the body we will start out talking about what the femoral vein is and then go through everything we see on our way to the lower lobe of the right lung and out of the body. The femoral vein is part of the circulatory system and is located close to the outer area of the upper thighs. It is a blood vessel that breaks off into smaller branches to take blood back to the heart from the muscles and the thigh. It is the largest vein in the groin area. As we start to travel upwards toward our destination we will enter the common iliac vein. This vein is a large part of the system. It joins with the external and internal iliac veins. “These veins are critical to the human circulatory system. They are responsible for draining blood from the legs and lower abdomen. This is an essential process that allows fresh blood to nourish the muscles and organs with vital nutrients and oxygen”. ("Common iliac vein,") Next we enter through the inferior vena cava. Formed by the union of the common iliac veins, the vena cava receives blood from the lower limbs, pelvic and abdominal viscera and gets carried to the right atrium of the heart. As we continue to move up threw the inferior vena cava we will see the uterus. The uterus is a small organ about the size of a pear; however it can stretch to get big enough so that is able to carry a baby and hold a lot of fluids. “The uterus is composed of two parts: an upper portion “the body” and the lower narrow section called the cervix”. (Thibodeau & Patton, 2008) As we continue our journey past the uterus, you will see that we pass the left and right kidneys. Located at the back of the abdomen each kidney is only about 4-5 inches long. Their function is to filter the blood. “All the blood in our bodies passes through the kidneys several times a day. The kidneys remove wastes, control the body’s fluid balance, and regulate the balance of electrolytes”. ("Kidneys," 2013) Coming up on the right side of the abdomen is the liver. Weighing around three pounds the liver is considered to be a meaty organ. It is reddish in color and if you were to feel the liver, it would feel like a rubbery substance. The liver is protected by the ribcage. “The liver has two large sections, called the right and the left lobes. The gallbladder sits under the liver, along with parts of the pancreas and the intestines. The liver and these organs work together to digest, absorb, and process food”. ("Liver," 2013) Here we are at the lungs. We are entering the lower lobe of the right lung. The lungs have many different structures to them. Here you will first see the bronchioles, small tubes that help send air into small sacs; these sacs are known as the alveoli. As we are in the lungs you will see the bacterium being fought off by what is known as the lymphatic system or immune system.
The lymphatic system is made up of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels. These all help move lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. It is a big part of the immune system. Lymph is a clear fluid that is made up of white blood cells and lymphocytes, which attack the bacteria in the blood. This fluid is formed in the tissue spaces, transported in the lymph vessels to where they will re-enter the circulatory system. Lymph also has fluid from the intestines, containing proteins and fats. “Lymph fluid enters the lymph nodes, where macrophages fight off foreign bodies like bacteria, removing them from the bloodstream. After