Essay on Fascism in Germany

Submitted By maddymcnulty_
Words: 1038
Pages: 5

Fascism In Germany The word 'fascism' comes from a man named Benito Mussolini, who was in charge of Italy by a fascist regime. This man created a new governing system with three principles of a fascist philosophy; "Everything in the state", "Nothing outside the state", and "Nothing against the state." Mussolini believed in the absolute control of everyone and everything, and held Italy to the highest value. He dictated each and every individual's rights, including what people could read and wear. However, while many people did not agree with this type of government, during the 1920's and 30's Adolf Hitler genuinely admired Mussolini for his work, and influenced the structure of what we know today as Nazism. There are many similarities between Nazism and Fascism, but Hitler took Mussolini's work, and made it larger, until he would later on conquer most of Europe and beyond. During the 1920's, and early 1930's, Germany was unstable socially, economically, and politically. The population was disappointed, scared, and had no where to look for a rescuer. Germany, while devastated with a collapsing economy, found hope in the form of fascism, and proclaimed Adolph Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. With him, the Nazi party began to set a dominant force on the puzzled nation, and won Germany's heart by manipulating their minds. The Germans were made huge promises of sweeping change and reform in their crumbling nation, and naturally, people went to his side. Hitler started up factories that had been closed down due to the Great Depression, built roads, and put people back to work. The Germans couldn't have been happier, Hitler had given them an escape to their problems, and began to rebuild the nation. Although Germany was beginning to see hope, much of the population were also experiencing the new fascism laws full on. The fascism government was also very racial and hated certain groups of people. One of the major policies concerning the state, was that you were only allowed to be as a part of the state, if you were of German descent. Another of the major policies was that you could only vote if you were, again, a part of German descent. The economy also had its rules, like staying loyal to the Nazi party of Germany. All these rules were very easy to abide by, as long as you were of German descent. As Hitler was gaining more and more power, he also gained more control of many organizations, religions, and even tried to eliminate homosexuality. The Nazi party guaranteed freedom for all religious denominations that would not affect the state in any way. This being said, Hitler then endorsed a modified version of Christianity which encouraged racial purity and nationalism. He proclaimed that the Old Testament, and parts of the New Testament were inaccurate, including that Jesus was not a Jew. To make matters worse, Hitler denounced the Old Testament as "Satan's Bible". Hitler based most of his biases on racist slurs against Jews, such as noting that Jesus is "Yelling at the Jews" (John 8:44). The Nazis were initially hostile to Catholics because most Catholics at that time supported the German Centre Party, which was a Catholic Political Party during that time. A feud between the Nazis and the Catholics had then begun as the Nazi party demanded that Catholics declare their loyalty to the German state. Hitler also began the ritual of "Book burning" where him and his Nazi party would burn any book, including bibles, that were written by Jewish authors. He wanted to show his people that the Jews were not people, and were hated by God. Although admitted by himself, that these rituals were inspired by the catholic rituals he had witnessed during his Catholic upbringing. Hitler never denied himself being a Catholic, but he truly believed his version of the bible he had demonstrated to people was the right one. By doing this, and removing the religious influence on the Germans, he was taking away their hope, thus being able to