Essay about Fast Food Nation

Submitted By KDisms
Words: 2433
Pages: 10

Fast Food Fast Track to Unhealthyness Citizens of America, and people all over the world are now starting to familiarize themselves with overweight and or obese people. According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use. Road Dahl’s novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964), Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle (1906), Eric Schlosser’s non-fiction, Fast Food Nation (2001), Morgan Spurlock’s documentary, Supersize Me (2004), Craig Lambert’s non-fiction article, “The Way We Eat Now,” (2004) and the wikipedia article, “Abattoir,” or “Slaughterhouse,” gave people a look at America’s increasing obesity issue. People are willing to pay for fast food not knowing what they're really putting into their bodies, and damage it's causing them. The novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) by Roald Dahl, Dahl asserts that bad habits result in consequences. He helps develop this idea by using four self-centered bratty children as examples of what happens when their bad habits gets the best of them. Roald’s purpose to this is informing his audience, which ranges from about any type of age, was to show living life with problem-attracting habits in order to show that you wont get them far in life without them stumbling on either minor issues or life risking issues. The novel, The Jungle (1906), by Upton Sinclair, is a story where Upton brings notice of the difficult lives immigrants lived in, along with the unsanitary working conditions in the meatpacking industry during the early 20th century in America. Upton uses the events in his book in which his main character, Jurgis Rudkus, lives life as an immigrant in the United States who has to live off a low salary, working in a slaughterhouse where he witnesses many grotesque unsanitary issues that aren’t payed any attention to. His intended audience was the general public, and was an attempt to educate the people around the world in order to learn about life affection issues who needed to be brought to attention. The non-fiction book, Fast Food Nation (2001) by Eric Schlosser is an informative book where Schlosser informs his audience about the issue of obesity in America. He uses facts dating back during World War II, and common American diet that didn’t have many options of fast food places like today, and how food production has changed since then. Eric’s purpose to writing this book was to bring to notice to his audience about the cons about the junk food in order to show what they’re putting into their bodies by eating at fast food places. Eric intends his book to an audience of any sort of interest on learning more about the secrets behind the origin of the food industry. Morgan Spurlock’s documentary film “Supersize me,” (2004) is a film where Spurlock argues the issues in obesity by becoming a human experiment himself. He gathers many amounts of information such as body changes and health issues caused by the habit of consuming junk foods based on self experimentation. His purpose was to teach those people all over the world suffering from obesity, over wight issues and those with bad eating habits borderline on becoming either, in order to show the dangers on consuming fast food to the health damaging stages. Eric’s intended audience is another of those who would want to learn about the health damages people are causing to their body’s by consuming unnecessary food bought in fast food places. “The Way We Eat Now,”(2004) by Craig Lambert is a very detailed article in which says, “Everywhere in the world, the richest people build the biggest homes, but as the world’s wealthiest nation, the United States is also building the biggest bodies,” where Craig asserts the issue in increasing amounts of obese people in the U.S. Craig develops an extended amount of world wide facts supporting his topic of obesity issues occurring due to poor