A Comparative Study On Smoking Between Science And Non-Science Majors

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Running Head: Smoking between Science and Non-Science Majors

A Comparative Study on Smoking between Science and Non-Science Majors
Student’s name
North Lake College

There has been a great talk about what do you fear the most. This study evaluates which one out of the two things that you fear most. Those people fearful of spiders reported having a family member with similar fears, but the study was unable to separate genetic factors from environmental ones. According to the American Psychiatric Association, phobias affect more than one in ten people in the US, and of those individuals, up to 40% of phobias are related to bugs (including spiders called Arachnophobia)(Buddle ,2014). Acrophobia is the fear of heights especially when you are in high places. A survey was conducted on 17 randomly selected students and 53% of those student had a fear of spiders more than heights. This study was conducted to try to understand and analyzed what fears do we have and why.

In the United States there are currently 1,477 smokefree college campuses which includes 975 that are 100% tobacco-free and 291 that also prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes (Armon, 2014). These numbers are expected to grow due to the concern for campus health and well-being, as well as, the developed support from society and academia groups which advocate for smokefree environments (“Colleges and Universities”, 2014). A campus-wide tobacco ban is well-accepted and an effective preventative method to decrease the harmful habit of smoking (Lechner, 2012). It is a well-supported belief that choosing to make a campus tobacco-free will improve the quality of life for students, faculty, and anyone else associated with campus (Menon, 2014).
Tobacco companies continue to target young adults with college students being a highly profitable market. In 2010, there were more than 20 million students enrolled in a higher education. Also, there were 24.8% of full-time college students between the ages of 18 and 22 years old that smoked (“Colleges and Universities”, 2014). Therefore, protecting students from exposure of secondhand smoke on college campuses could potentially prevent the influence of tobacco use and reduce the amount of lifetime smokers (“Colleges and Universities”, 2014). In another study it was found that both high and low frequent smokers decreased their tobacco use following the enactment of a tobacco-free campus policy (Lechner, 2012). However, this experiment was performed at a college with limited access to smoking and will examine the relationship between smokers of science and non-science backgrounds. I predict that there will be a greater association between non-science declared majors and tobacco use than science majors who report involvement with tobacco products.

18 participants from North Lake College were randomly selected for this research study. The subject pool contained 17 students with an age range 17-41 years old. Of the 18 participants 9 were had a fear of spiders, 5 were afraid of heights, and 3 feared both. Each participant was administered a survey consisting of 6 questions that identified certain demographics including: gender, age, and the object of which you feared more. For the purpose of this study I asked random people for this multiple choice questionnaire. The corresponding questions were used to compare the amount of people who feared that certain thing. However, after collecting data it was determined that age would not be considered or further investigated because it will not influence the validity on the outcome of this study.
The surveys for this study were completed during the month of April on campus. The results from this study indicated that 13 of the 17 participants identified themselves of having a fear of spiders or heights. According to these research