Feinstein V White Sand Beach Case Study

Words: 1401
Pages: 6

•Explain the fact or expert witness role you played. Explain why you chose this role, and how it will benefit your team’s presentation. Explain how your witness role might be a disadvantage to your team.
The expert role I played in the case of Feinstein v White Sand Beach, Inc. is the Riptide Expert. I choose this role because I have always loved being on the beach and am a huge fan of surf competitions so I felt it was the best role that fit my personality. This role allowed me to really get into my role as someone who actually wants to be knowledgeable on the currents in the water. I know I wanted to learn more about this topic due to my interest in such water sports and in general, with being on the beach. This role will benefit our team’s presentation due to the fact that Mrs. Feinstein and Mr. Smith both died due to rip currents, and it is important to inform the jury and the court of the serious dangers riptides can have on beach goers, the population in general, and the importance of cases like this. As a disadvantage to our team my role will support why individuals should take into consideration the risk of going out on their own into the beach or shoreline, like many people do on a daily basis. If riptides are so dangerous, why is it not more a point to knowledge the guests or visitors about? This reality emphasizes why I find my role very important to this case. My expertise of the facts can help make known the impact
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Record your answer to each question. Remember, these should be favorable to your team prevailing in court.
The following are some of the questions the team litigator should ask me as the riptide expert, helping my team’s case prevail:
1) What is the definition of a rip current and a shore break?
“-Rip currents are strong sea currents, which push away from the shore as a strong storm is near. They are formed by the strong winds pushing water towards the shore.” (Noaa.gov,