Elements Of Creative Writing

Submitted By Amber-Bass
Words: 571
Pages: 3

1) Biography:
Talk about the author of your novel and show that you have done focused research and can clearly organize the information.
Birth Date/Birthplace,
Death Date/Place of Death - If Applicable,
Major Accomplishments (awards, etc.)
Connections Between Life Experiences/Beliefs and Fiction Writing
Other Publications.
Enhance this section with visual and/or media resources that connect (e.g. pictures, art, interview video clip, etc. just try and be creative). For example, show a clip from an interview with the author, or a video clip from a film about the author. Keep it short and explain/introduce the clip.
2. Description/Discussion:
Talk about the six elements of creative writing.
For plot state the key terms and discuss your novel by talking about the different parts of plot: exposition, inciting incident, climax, falling action, and denouement. Within this discussion touch upon the setting. For example, exposition is connected to setting as this is when these details are usually introduced. Think about all the different parts of setting.
Next, focus on the main character. When you talk about the main character focus on their characteristics (physical, emotional, and mental).
Next, you could Identify what conflicts they face in the novel, what do they want and what stands in their way (use the key terms e.g. person vs. self, person vs. person, person vs. society).
theme, so explain this as well as some point in this section. See the handout from Unit 1 for more details on these six terms, to make sure you have dealt with each one and all it's various parts. Enhance this section with visual and/or media resources that connect (e.g. pictures, art, interview video clip, etc. just try and be creative). For example, read a character poem that helps to make the audience connect with this element, since a discussion of character was part of this section.
3. Discuss your essay, this shows that you have analyzed the novel in a deeper way. Don't read the essay, but identify a few key parts, including:
Selected approach to literary analysis (new criticism, social criticism, etc.) thesis (have a clear statement( supporting arguments.
Enhance this section with visual and/or media resources that connect (e.g. pictures, art, chart/visual