Fidelity In Homer's The Odyssey

Words: 360
Pages: 2

In Homer’s the Odyssey, the author brings about the topic of fidelity by using a number of examples throughout the poem. Homer develops this position by showing how family members and others remain faithful or unfaithful to Odysseus as he sets out on his 20 year journey.In this essay, we will explore how Penelope and Telemachus remained faithful to Odysseus and how Odysseus remained faithful to the thought of returning home to his family.
In the Odyssey, the theme of male and female fidelity is brought to light. A perfect example from the story illustrates Penelope’s quest to remain faithful to Odysseus by deceiving the Achaeans. “I wove on the great loom, but every night by torchlight I unwove it and so for three years I deceived the Achaeans”(homer