Fight Club: Complex Pop Culture

Words: 1267
Pages: 6

Annotated Bibliography

"A History of Real-Life "Fight Club" Copycats." Complex Pop Culture. Complex Magazine, 17 July 2009. Web.

This source was published online by Complex magazine that details the different copycat fight clubs that have happened since Palahniuk released his novel. From junior high students to full-grown adults in many different countries, fight clubs have a wide appeal to men of all different backgrounds and ages. Unlike other critical essays and Stone’s article on the Silicon Valley fight club, this does not offer an inside look into the man involved in the fighting, nor their motivations, but rather serves as a little periodical to show the extent of Fight Club’s influence. I hope to use this article to capitalize the
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Aitken is Professor of Geography at San Diego State University. Stuart C. Aitken is Professor of Geography at San Diego State University. Their paper focuses on issues of masculinity and repression that is exemplified through the actions of Fight Club’s narrator / Tyler Durden. Published by Geojournal, one main term is focused on: habitus, the embodied dispositions, tendencies that organize the ways in which individuals perceive the social world around them and react to it. The paper sees to show that the character has developed a Freudian neurosis that forces them to bring out aggression and find solace in letting aggression control their actions. As a result, the members of fight club find their sense of community and meaning in their lives. Considering many critics would say that “Fight Club” can be seen as a coming of age movie where a man discovers what he truly wants, this article supports the conflict of understanding what one truly wants and what society has done to make one think otherwise. Unlike Kumlu, Craine not only focuses on the characters adaption to their immense pain but he adds the idea of social constrictions that makes violence very spectacularized and makes one want to reassert masculinity. I want to talk about masculinity and how it is a key idea in wish fulfillment as well as the negatives that come along with giving in to the toxic form of …show more content…
This article revolves around two stories: Fight Club and A Man Asleep. Kumlu makes many points about the idea of escaping reality, coping with the immense pain that is generated when one loses his/her individuality and how society has affected the people's state of mind. To overcome these hopeless feelings, people either turn to addiction to stimulate vitality or creating a new identity to allow themselves to live out their dreams. This topic strongly enhances my focus on wish fulfillment in films and how characters on the screen are able to mimic the public’s overall want to rebel and understand them. The idea that people want to be someone else makes characters like Tyler Durden seem like a role model. Unlike Barranco’s article that explains violence and its growing popularity, Kumlu focuses on characters themselves in order to show how the modern world is driving them to act out. I want to use this source to focus on the society that is causing people to act out in this way. I hope to use it to introduce the main topics and have a context for