In “The Most Dangerous Game,” Schoedsack makes the hunt different from Connell’s version. In the movie, General Zaroff uses a bow instead of a pistol. After a while, General Zaroff comes back to switch it with a rifle, but in Connell’s short story, he uses a pistol the whole time. In the short story, only Rainsford …show more content…
In the short storybook, Rainsford was the only person other than Ivan and Zaroff. There were more people, but they were more like prisoners rather than like guests. In the short story, Zaroff gives the huntees an option, “I give him his option, of course. He need not play the game if he doesn't wish to. If he does not wish to hunt, I turn him over to Ivan” (Connell 22). In the movie that was made, Zaroff has another servant that isn't Ivan. That servant attacks Rainsford and enabled him to kill Zaroff in the chateau. There is a gGirl and her brother on the island. They were all being treated well and Zaroff hunted and killed her brother after Zaroff showed him his trophy room. Eve shows a strong female presence in the movie. At many times throughout the movie, Eve slowed down Rainsford.
Ahhhh! That was the sound you would have heard General Zaroff make in the end of “The Most Dangerous Game,”and I if I were you, I would be happy. “The Most Dangerous Game,”, illustrates two different point of views on how blood flowing hunt should occur, the use of characters, and what the conclusion of the story should be. Both of the hunts used different characters and played out differently. In the end of both stories, Zaroff was killed,