Final Five Wishes Rubric Essay

Submitted By Leah-Hamilton
Words: 387
Pages: 2

Final Five Wishes Grading Rubric



Work Habits
Superior work in all areas—Student consistently exceeds minimal expectations in all areas regarding content analysis, synthesis, evaluation of topics, participation, timeliness, and writing style
Good work in most areas. Students demonstrates minor deficiencies in some areas regarding content, analysis, writing style, and/or participation.
Fair work in most areas. Student exhibits need for improvement in most areas regarding content, analysis, writing style, and/or participation
Failing—Student shows evidence of refusal or inability to meet minimum standards of work.
The student shows no evidence of being able to perform any of the standards of work.
Five wishes and assignment response are clearly identified and supported by the website information.
Five wishes and assignment response are identified and mostly supported by the website information.
Five wishes and assignment response are identified and somewhat supported by the website information.
Five wishes and assignment response are not clearly identified and are not supported by the website information.
Five wishes and assignment response are not identified and are not supported by the website information.
Personal Application
The student provides thorough applications as a result of his/her professional and/or personal life.
The student provides good applications as a result of his/her professional and/or personal life.
The student provides fair applications as a result of his/her professional and/or personal life
The student provides poor applications as a result of his/her professional