Final Study Guide Psycho 101 Essay

Submitted By kevintt
Words: 2071
Pages: 9

Introduction to Psychology Final Exam: Study Guide

The following list contains some key things that you may wish to focus your studying on for the final exam. These are the concepts/theories most likely to turn up on the exam. This is however, not an exhaustive list! I cannot guarantee that everything on the exam is listed on this study guide. Review your notes, read the textbook, and practice writing out essay questions answers.

Good luck studying!

Part 1 * Psychologiesis the scientific study of behaviour and mental process * clinical psychologist diagnose & treat. Academic psychologistteach&research .Applied psychologist applied research (sport psychology) * Dualism is the idea that the mind is separate from the body , * Descartesinvestigated how the mind & body might be connected to allow communication between them(physical pain) * Socrates and Platothough that knowledge is within us and we gain access to it through logical reasoning (full slate * Locke believe in tabula rasa ( blank slate ) * Wundtthe founder of modern psychologies (first lab 1879) (medicine biology naturalist) * Structuralism (Titchener) is a school of psychologies concern with the individuals element of consciousness and showing how they can be combine and integrated * Functionalism (James) the school of psychologies focused on how organism use their learning and perceptual ability to function in their environment * Gestalt Psychology (Wertherheimer)the school of psychologies centred around the beliefs that people naturally seek out patterns or wholes , in the sensory information available to them * Psychodynamic theory (Freud) is based on the belief that behaviour are motivated by internal factor unavailable to the conscious mind * Behaviourism (Watson & Skinner)that concentrate on observable behaviour that can be directly measured and recorded * Humanistic (Maslow & Rogers)based on the beliefs that people have free will and are able to control their own destiny * cognitive psychology (Miller) it focused on the working of the human brain and seeking to understand how people process the information that they collecte from their environment * evolutionary psychologyit’s explored the way in which patterns of human behaviour may be beneficial to people survival * biological perspective look at the influence of the brain, hormones , genetics on our behaviour and mental process * Nature vs. nurture debate gay twin video * Facts, theories and hypotheses * The Scientific method (6 steps) identify a probleme-conduct a background research-formulate a hypothesis-test the hypothesis-analyze your result –report your result * How to design an experiment * Independent and dependant variable How does __________ affect ___________ ? Independent Dependant * Experimental and control group (related to placebo effect) , random assignment * Sample and population, generalization * Problems in experiments: Bias, expectancy effects (blinding), confounding variables (3rd Variables) * Correlations, an understanding of our inability to draw casual conclusions using the correlational method. * Case study test on one or a few people in depth * naturalistic observation& laboratory observation * Surveys sondages * psychological tests compares the test of an individual against a norm group (generalization) * 6 ethical guide line informed consent-right to withdraw from the study-wright to privacy-discomfort and harm-debriefing-deception

Part 2 * Function of neuronstransmit information to from and within the brain * types of neuronssensory neuron - motor neuron- interneuron * dendrites, soma, axon,