First Essay

Submitted By joeyprimo93
Words: 1280
Pages: 6

Final Portfolio for ENGL 102
Due: Wednesday May 8th by midnight NO LATE PORTFOLIOS. NO EXCEPTIONS. You must email me the following as notification of your completion:

Grade Breakdown:

Reflective component = 100 points
Revised MWA A (final draft and revisions highlighted) = 50 points
Revised MWA B (final draft and revisions highlighted) = 50 points
Organization and Presentation = 50 points
TOTAL = 250 points

Your final portfolio must include all of the following: * Reflective Component * MWA A – finished copy * MWA A – tracked changes * MWA B – finished copy * MWA B – tracked changes

Final Portfolio Rubric

Portfolio Presentation | 50-40 pointsPortfolio reflects a high level of professionalism. All required papers are included; the portfolio is organized logically and labeled clearly papers are formatted according to directions. | 39-20 pointsPortfolio is organized, labeled, and correctly formatted but the presentation needs improvement. | 19-0 pointsPortfolio is unorganized, not clearly labeled, and/or inconsistently formatted. Presentation needs significant improvement. | Reflective Component(point break down identified in rubric) | 100-80 points | 79-50 points | 49-0 points | MWA A | 50-40 pointsRevisions are substantial, thoughtful, persuasive and creative. The paper is free of distracting surface errors and includes multi-modal components to enhance presentation. | 39-20 pointsRevisions are substantial but need development. The paper has some distracting surface errors. The paper includes multi-modal components to enhance presentation. | 19-0 pointsRevisions are not substantial or not apparent. Surface errors distract from content. The paper does not include multi-modal components to enhance presentation. | MWA B | 50-40 pointsRevisions are substantial, thoughtful, persuasive and creative. The paper is free of distracting surface errors and includes multi-modal components to enhance presentation. | 39-20 pointsRevisions are substantial but need development. The paper has some distracting surface errors. The paper includes multi-modal components to enhance presentation. | 19-0 pointsRevisions are not substantial or not apparent. Surface errors distract from content. The paper does not include multi-modal components to enhance presentation. |

Part One: Reflective Component

A great part of our development as writers is to not only understand composition techniques but to understand when and why we use them. In this assignment you are asked to reflect upon how you worked towards specific course outcomes using detailed examples from your work throughout the semester. Fundamentally, this assignment is asking you to think about HOW you write. View this memo as a written argument demonstrating that you have met the requirements of 102 and fulfilled your Composition requirements.
On your webpage under the SLO reflection page(s), reflect on how you worked toward the course outcomes listed below. As you write, do your best to honestly express your strengths and areas that need improvement in relation to the outcomes; remember that this course is not about mastery of the outcomes but a development towards them. Try to think about how understanding the SLOs led you to make certain decisions as you wrote and reference these examples. A large part of this assignment will be evaluated on your ability to refer to specific instances within your own writing process. Do not generalize about your writing, the course, or the outcomes—be specific!
Your reflection paragraphs should also talk about the revision you made for the portfolio. Look at the revisions you made to both pieces and identify any patterns. For example, do you tend to have problems with repetition? Or do you often have to change the organization of your paper? You can talk about as many or as few patterns as you like but you need to explain how these patterns affect your writing and what you did specifically