First Lady's Say No Speech Summary

Words: 961
Pages: 4

The 1980’s became known as the Regan era. A time of conservative beliefs on tax reform, communism and military budgets. The Republican president emphasized the importance of family values and mortality. America saw the 40th president as the person who would better society and bring in great victory to the country. However, the drug use in American increased massively, while the economy dropped. Reagan and the rest of the country were taken by surprise by the drug epidemic. Newspapers around the country began to pressure the White House for change. Although, the topic of drug-use became very talked about, it was rarely mentioned on the front pages of notorious newspapers. Until, September 14, 1986 , where Mr. and Mrs. Reagan made a public appearance …show more content…
The first sentence emphasizes the significance her part of the speech has made on American youth. Kerr covers Mrs. Reagans appearance throughout NYC schools and speaking about her “maternal concerns,” where she asked students about their family, future and present plans. This piece allows the First Lady to strut her first move in her husband’s campaign against illegal drugs. Kerr gives her the opportunity to shine by mentioning her touring around schools, urban community recreations and in the work place. Kerr also takes the opportunity to include students into the conversation. He quotes both students and the First Lady as they speak about future plans and the ban of illegal drugs. This is important, we have to keep in mind the Reagan family was well known for family values and morality. This piece highlights all those …show more content…
However, in this article. Boyd writes it in a lighter tone, suggesting hope. He begins off by mentioning the surprising $1.7 billion anti-drug bill that was passed into law. Of course, a month ago no one knew whether Regan and his administration were taking immediate action towards this issue. Many Americans including newspaper writers believed it was just a stunt to show that the issue was not being ignored. Boyd quotes the president 5 times in this short piece, taking over most of it. Everything else mentioned small details about the new bill and what future has in stored for it. What is surprising about Boyd’s first piece and this one is th length. In the first once he had a lot to say about the speech alone, but in this one it seems as if he held back. The signing of this bill took him by