Florida Saltwater Pool

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Is a Saltwater Pool Right for You?

A shimmering pool beyond the back door is a prerequisite for many new Florida homeowners. Whether cooling off, turning workout laps or using it as a beautiful party backdrop, residential pools are crucial to the Florida lifestyle. But, there are more choices than the traditional chlorine pool. Saltwater pools, a popular option, are both environment friendly and cost effective. HGTV.com spotlights some of the pros and cons of both systems in “Pool Systems 101.” Consider your preferences before making the salt-or-chlorine decision.

It’s more expensive up front, less expensive later

Installing a saltwater pool system is expensive, but you save money later because you don’t need as many chemicals to maintain
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Your saltwater filtration system incorporates a chlorine generator, which takes in water, makes chlorine, then returns the sanitized water to the pool. Thanks to the saltwater predominance, you swim in a minimum of chlorine rather than a pool full of it! Be aware: per HGTV.com, you must run your filtration system 24/7 in order to generate enough chlorine. Although both systems require a pump circulating water through the filter and heater, today’s pumps and motors are much more energy-efficient, which is kinder to your wallet and the environment.

Longer-lasting swimsuits

Swimwear fabric ages slower in saltwater pools because it’s not exposed to as many chemicals. Chlorine can fade and ruin swimwear more quickly.

Algae stops here

Saltwater systems self-cleanse compared to chlorine systems, which need agaecides. A saltwater system eliminates chemical storage, strong chlorine odor and that floater apparatus in your pool. You do have to test your pool water to monitor the proper pH balance, but not as often as with a chlorine system. Chlorine pools create organochlorines that can reduce your immune system and aggravate asthma and emphysema. Saltwater pools don’t create organochlorines because chlorine levels never drop low enough for them to