Forest Gump Disability

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Pages: 3

I decided to watch the movie Forest Gump. This movie follows the life of Forest Gump a man with a below average IQ. Although this movie follows him threw out his life most of the movie is focused on his middle adulthood. During this time he goes through a series of life events. He was in the military, started a shrimping company, runs across the country, and becomes a ping pong champ just to mention a few of his accomplishments. All the while he did these thing while being developmentally challenged. This is an excellent story about how to overcome. One of the most prevalent thing you see in this movie in his mental health issue. He is effected by a mental disability all his life and it is quite evident throughout this movie. Although he has this mental disability he never lets it negatively affect him. This is likely because of the fact he does not really ever understand what is wrong with him. This is likely because of where he grow up in a very Southern Alabama. This often comes in handy because of his ignorance and lack of understanding because of his disability gets him out of a lot of bad situations. His intelligence is below average but it is a result of his mental disability. However, he goes to college and does many things that a normal person has. …show more content…
In regards to primary aging you see him go from being in leg braces to being able to play football and run across the United States. You see many of his biological charatertics change throughout his life. You also see a lot of secondary changes as well. He was defiantly a product of his environment in Alabama. Mainly in the fact he never really get help for his disability. You see an increase in his physical ability which is the reason for all his accomplishments. His strength and speed are what you see the most because his accomplishment are a result of