Four Classes Of Organic Molecules

Submitted By Kashar
Words: 389
Pages: 2

|4 Classes of Organic Molecules |Notes |Function (what they do) |
|Carbohydrates |Two types: |Provide energy for living things |
| |1)Monnosaccaride (a single sugar molecule – is |Provide support for plant walls |
| |also called glucose or fructose). | |
| |2)Polysaccaride (starch – a long chain of sugar| |
| |molecules ) | |
|Lipids |1)A lipid is a fat |Energy storage |
| |2) It is made from glycerol and fatty acids |Part of biological membrane |
| |3) They do not mix with water so they are |Fat cushions body organs |
| |hydrophobic | |
| |4) A saturated fat is one with the maximum | |
| |number of hydrogen atoms in the carbon chain | |
|Protein |A polymer of amino acids |Work as enzymes to speed up chemical reactions |
| |A protein’s shape determines its function |Transport substances in and out of cells |
| | |Help make up bone and muscles |
| | |Help make up our immune system so we can fight |
| | |diseases |
|Nucleic acids |1)Two types (DNA and RNA) |Tells the cell what to do |
| |2)Made up of monomers of nucleotides |Transmits hereditary information |
| |3)DNA is a double helix, RNA is a single strand| |
| |4) Made up of sugar, nitrogen base and a | |
| |phosphate group |