Four Ways To Avoid Cracking Your Car's Windshield

Words: 416
Pages: 2

4 Ways To Avoid Cracking Your Car’s Windshield
When a crack forms in your windshield, not only is it a safety hazard to have your field of vision obstructed, but you can receive a ticket for it as well. These tips will help you avoid having a cracked windshield happen to you.
Avoid Rapid Temperature Changes
Even though your car’s windshield is able to withstand extremely hot and cold temperatures, rapidly changing from one to the other can cause your windshield to crack.
This can happen if your car is outside in the winter with a layer of ice that has formed on the glass. You windshield wipers may be stuck, or you simple don’t want to chip away at the ice, so you pour very hot water onto the glass to melt the ice. This can cause damage instead