Fourth Face Of Oppression Analysis

Words: 482
Pages: 2

The fourth face of oppression is cultural imperialism. Young argues that this type of oppression is different than the previous three: the first three faces deal with oppression that results in a detriment of material resources, but the fourth face results in a detriment to a group’s perspective. Cultural imperialism is the idea that there is a dominant group whose perspective is superior to a submissive group. The viewpoints of the submissive group can become invisible. The dominant group’s culture is viewed as normal, while the submissive group’s culture is inferior and strange. This form of oppression leads to stereotypes; Young mentions, “everyone knows that gay people are promiscuous, that Indians are alcoholics, and then women are good with children” (p. 59). …show more content…
Young states that it’s not enough for the dominant group to believe in the truth of the stereotypes, but the inferior group must internalize the stereotype. The inferior group must also measure themselves in relation to the dominant group. The inferior group may not believe that the stereotype is true, but they must acknowledge that they are not equal. Thus, the inferior often defines themselves in two different ways: in terms of the dominant culture and their own culture. The dominant culture often times changes the culture of the submissive group because it is so pressing and so dominant in society; while their own culture rarely touches the dominant culture. Miller (1986) speaks directly to this form of oppression in her article, “Domination-Subordination.” This paper will delve into a deeper discussion about cultural imperialism according to