Foust's The Joys Of Being Organized

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Organized is an important skill for any people to have it. For some people it is not easy. Also, it requires a lot of certain amount of discipline, but always will be worth it. One of the strategies thing a person could do is to have a list and have some room to keep everything in order. In addition, people should use a planner to write thing down and what they need to work on. Also, to try out different techniques, and see what works better for them. Would it be best to have tasks organized to be better prepared for any situation? Better than being disorganized, getting stressed, and frustrating while trying to find certain items.
Fist, being organized is necessity. If people do not want to end up in a disorganized situation they need to have
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Some people need to work out in thing they really need to have more things organized. Daily is a list of thing you need to do every single day. In “Ten Tips For getting-and-Staying Organized” Foust says, “You write everything down, but some things get lost in the cracks. Keep two lists, and work from those” (44). According to Foust, it is that every single people have some different type of list where they need to write down of anything they need to start working on. Also, people need to have some ideas of where need to start working and how they want them to start working on them (Foust 44). Therefore, in “Get ready, Get Set, Get organized” Masikiewicz says, “If you want to get certain things done and there’s only much time, then you’ve got to plan ahead. Even the most organized person runs into challenges that make staying organized …show more content…
It is worth spending time getting your workspace tidy; but remember, it didn’t need to get messy in one day, it doesn’t need to get cleaned in a day. Start with something easy that can be accomplished in a short period” (45). In others words Foust refer to, if you can’t find it, it’s time to clean up. It worth getting your work area properly, but keep in mind that’s getting not messy to a day, it must get cleaned in a day. You need to start off with something simple, in a short period. People think that a mess will be easy to clean in one day, but at least you need time to get each thing in order and have a nice place, so everything can work better for you. Also, Foust says; “Values and goals are like road maps that will help when prioritizing your daily to-do lists” (45). According to Foust says, is that qualities and objectives are similar to guides that will assist while organizing your day by day schedules. Also, people have goals in mind that want to accomplish, but if a person does not focus on their goals they will not have time to work with them daily (Foust 45). As well, in “Get Ready, Get Set, Get Organized” Masikiewicz says; “Think of your main goals as the peak of a pyramid and your daily routines and to-do lists as the different levels or mini goals. There are a lot of