Framework For A Classical Argument

Submitted By luli575
Words: 629
Pages: 3

Instructions for the Unit I Outline

STEP 1. On page 361 of the textbook, you will find Figure 14.1 “Framework for a Classical Argument.” Read this framework.

STEP 2. Compare A.J. Chavez’s essay (380-384) to the “Framework for a Classical Argument.” Do you see how Chavez’s essay follows the framework? This is not an accident. Chavez is not a genius. The framework is the skeleton of an outline. Chavez followed the framework and wrote an outline.

STEP 3. DO NOT take another outlining step until you have read all of the articles in the Argument Kit and highlighted and annotated those sections of the reading that seem important or useful to you. Outlining before you finish reading is like starting to build a house before you assemble all of the materials.

STEP 3.5 I’m not kidding. Go and finish the reading. Have a solid idea about the Argument Kit contents before you go on.

STEP 4. You have benefitted from team presentations of the sources and have done the reading on your own. You kind of know what you want to say but it’s all a jumble. Too much stuff! Time to begin organizing. Some other people make lists, just sort of brainstorming ideas. Some people call a buddy and talk it out and take notes of the conversation. Do what works for you. Once you know what you want to say – sort of – then it’s time to make a linear outline.

STEP 5. Organize your thoughts in a linear outline. This linear outline is the outline that I want to see in your portfolio. Your outline MUST (1) Use some full sentences, (2) indicate the articles that you’ll be relying on for each section. If you are quoting directly from an article, put the quote in the outline. If you are going to summarize or paraphrase a source, indicate your plan in the outline.

The textbook provides an excellent discussion and example of a linear outline in Chapter 17 in the sections titled “Using Complete Sentences in Outlines to Convey Meanings” and “Sketching Your Structure Using and Outline” (447-448). Use the example in Figure 17.1 as your guide. The example outline follows the “Framework for a Classical Argument” but rearranges some of the framework’s sections. The outline must be typed and printed.


The Unit 1 portfolio Outline is worth a maximum of 15 points.

Outlines that follow the instruction steps, include specific and thoughtful references to