Frankenstein Abandonment Analysis

Words: 664
Pages: 3

Most parents gravitate to their children once it's born, symbolizing that nothing is greater than your own creation. why wasn't that the case in mary shelley’s frankenstein? within in the novel she exhibits three instances of abandonment. By interpreting the lonesome life of the creature, the loss of victor’s mother, and the relationship between victor and elizabeth.

Victor was brought up in a very close family, Never in the book does he talk about his family in a negative way. He describes his mother in a very angelic light and seems very fond of her. His mother was the daughter of a merchant, who through mischance lost all his money and became poor. Upon the death of her father, Caroline married Victor’s father. The event of Victor’s
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By the time he arrives he is already very involved in ancient philosophy and science. Because of this fact he is scoffed at by M. Krempe, professor of natural philosophy. The spark in him desired to be able to complete the unthinkable, to bring back life to the deceased, The elixir of life that could create immortality. So, victor shunned society from his life once again, an instance of abandonment. Victor began creating a human body in his lab. He stole body parts from the deceased, and stitched them back together to create the form of a gigantic male being. Then, with his discovery of electromagnetics, a dreary night in November brought to life this magnificent creation. Victor was amazed at first but once beholding the living breathing mass of the dead carcass his amazement turned into fear and shame. So consumed with bringing it to life, he neglected to realize exactly what a horrid monster he was building. So in terror he ran and left his creation alone to simply disappear. when Victor neglects the creature, he learns that while possessing such looks, no one will accept him. He alternates personalities by killing and threatening, all due to the emotional pain he endures from people’s disdain. He is regressing, just like his father.Victor abandoned his own creation and that lead to the series of events that followed because