Frankenstein Alternate Ending Analysis

Words: 419
Pages: 2


"You're not a monster," he says at least three times. Why do I find that so hard to believe?

"Whatever," I say in return. I don't want to fight anymore because I'll never believe his lies. I just need him to leave me in peace.

Xander looks like he wants to say something, but I slam the door the make him shut up. I don't like being lied to.

After I hear him sigh and his footsteps have trailed away, I collapse in front of the door. Sobs shake my entire body, and still no tears fall.

I could blame a million people for my sorrow, but I know I have caused this. I was the one who let myself be bitten. I was the one who ran away, instead of confronting my problems. I'm the monster who almost killed Xander. I was the one foolish enough to believe that he could love me back, when I never even loved him in the first place. I am the one who
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How long have I been sitting here?

The light shining through the window hints that it is evening. I've been here almost all day, but never even slept. My mind studied every other solution to my problem, but all of them ended in either Xander or me dying.

Get cured, leave. Go back to Newcoast, and hope there's something left to go back to. That is the only plan that will keep everyone from being hurt. Sophie might accept me now, and if she doesn't, then maybe it's for the better. Maybe "living" in the forest will be even better than Newcoast.

So that's the plan.

Slowly, I arise from the hard floor. If I don't do this now, I will likely rot in this room.

I place my hand on the doorknob. I bet it's cold, but I can't tell.

The door swings open and I step out of my room for the last time. I brought nothing when I ran away, so I have nothing to take with me.

"Eva?" Xander calls from the living room.

"Yeah," I state.

"Come here."

Already planning on it. I go into the living room and jump as little arms wrap around my waist in a gentle hug.

"I'm sorry," Chloe says. Her r's sound like