Frankenstein Final Passage Analysis Essay

Words: 509
Pages: 3

Hello Professor Shanahan,

I must apologize for jumping the gun regarding the passage in which I analyzed for Frankenstein. At the time of writing the paper I thought that we were only required to email you if we were unsure what passage we wanted to choose so that you could help us pick. I see now that this is not the case, and that the topic declaration is a requirement for the paper. Previously, I already submitted a paper regarding my analysis. If you've had the opportunity to read this yet you will see that I chose the analyzation of the final passage in the novel. For this analyzation I addressed a number of topics while I closely read the passage while guiding the reader through it. I drew similarities to Walton's original letters written to Elizabeth and how the character has changed throughout the novel, determining whether or not Walton is a flat or round character (since the due date has changed I would like to look further into this, yet I reached the word limit). I looked into the purpose and usage of the Shelly's frame narrative, determining the importance on ending with Walton by concluding the story. This frame narrative seemed to have skewed the truth that we received from Victor, and this is only directly addressed in the final passage. Lastly, I cared the juxtaposition that occurred in this final passage of the Monster and his seemingly mirror image, Victor. In this paragraph I noted the overall importance of this passage.
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If this did not correctly follow the assignment I'll rewrite it. If this passage doesn't seem very important and you shall request a new one I can attempt to analyze the passage in which Victor realizes it was the Monster who killed William (as he sees his figure in the mountains), or when Victor first discovers that he can bring life to organic