Frankenstein's Cat Biotechnology

Words: 860
Pages: 4

Is biotechnology playing God? To answer this question, we first have to look at what Biotechnology really is. Frankenstein’s Cat presents many cases where biotechnology is being used, but are we completely aware of what Biotechnology really is? As a normal person, you have probably celebrated an occasion with family or friends with a beer on one hand and food on the other. If this is true, you can be sure you have consumed products from biotechnology, and those are not the only things, the list is long and you can probably find them in your fridge, or your food storage. But it is not only about food, to fight cancer, hepatitis, chemical fibrosis, between hundreds, if not thousands of of health issues, biotechnology lends a hand. If you know …show more content…
In a big picture, biotechnology can be defined as the use of living organism or compounds obtained from living organisms to obtain products valuable to man. That is the key to biotechnology: it is used to obtain products valuable to man, it’s a “selfish” science because it used to benefit us, to make our lives easier, to avoid the sadness of losing a pet who we are strongly attached to, or to make more profit out of our stock. At the end of the day that is the sole purpose of biotechnology: to benefit …show more content…
Have the most traditional people given a thought to the issue? If we cover the whole thing, we would encounter ourselves with different situations in which we have to take into consideration ethics, religion, culture, and beliefs of the consumers of this “inventions” between many other factors that influence them. One of the most important or relative issues regarding biotechnology is exactly what we see in this book: the mistreatment of animals and cloning. We could refer to the catholic text: Cloning, possibilities of modern biology “ There are no special ethical objections to cloning of individuals (for progeny thereof) and non-human biological materials ( to use them for various purposes ) , if done in a responsible manner ; and there are no ethical objections to the traditional , sometimes ancient , use of such techniques in the vegetable field , which has considerable advantages