Franklin D Roosevelt's Accomplishments

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Pages: 4

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Americas 32nd U.S. President, was born on January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York. The only child of wealthy parents, Roosevelt went on to attend law school at Columbia University and would later become governor of New York in 1928. Roosevelt was elected as President in 1932 and remains to be the only president elected four times. Franklin D. Roosevelt led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II, and expanded the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New Deal, which brought jobs for many unemployed citizens.
I chose Franklin D Roosevelt as the greatest American president because he is the one who lead the American people out of the Great Depression
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He pushed a variety of bills through Congress during his "First 100 Days" program to grant immediate aid to millions of unemployed citizens during the height of the Great Depression. He impressively decreased the unemployment rate from 25% to 2% over his tenure, continued Hoover's Federal Emergency Relief Administration and created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). He created the Works progress Administration and Tennessee Valley Authority (WPA), which hired hundreds of thousands of unemployed men to work on local projects. He protected the livelihoods of laborers and farmers through the National Labor Relations Act and Agricultural Adjustment Administration. He is the president to establish Social Security, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which is a program still used in our banking system today to ensure the security of individual accounts, all of which still influence and are apart of American society today. Roosevelt also abolished prohibition, which gave America money and he turned a desolate congress into one far more progressive than any other congress. He protected the livelihoods of farmers and laborers alike through the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). Roosevelt also implemented the National Industrial Recovery Act which improved working standards. The Fair Labor Standards Act set child …show more content…
Roosevelt led the United States into WWII after the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and formulated strategy as part of the "Big Three" with Stalin and Churchill to defeat the Axis powers. He relocated 100,000 Japanese American civilians into internment camps in 1942 and endorsed the creation of the United Nations. and the Bretton Woods system of monetary management among states. He developed the Good Neighbor Policy which withdrew American forces from Latin American countries while respecting their sovereignty. He also supported the case for intervention in World War 2 through the Destroyers for Bases Agreement and Lend Lease Act while supplying ships and armament to our allied