Frederick Douglass Abolitionist Analysis

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Pages: 4

Frederick Douglass or also known as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born in the year of 1817 or 1818 in Talbot county, Maryland. He is a slave who was born into slavery, in 1838 he escaped slavery and married a free colored woman named Anna Murray in New York City. In 1841 he was employed as an agent for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society by impressing them at a convention. Many doubted that he was a slave because of his amazing skill at being a public speaker so he wrote the book Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass published in 1855. He soon later died in 1895. He was an abolitionist which means he was someone who worked to get rid of slavery. He was an exceptional abolitionist because of his unique position as well as …show more content…
To those songs I trace my first glimmering conception of the dehumanizing character of slavery. I can never get rid of that conception. Those songs still follow me, to deepen my hatred of slavery, and quicken my sympathies for my brethren in bonds¨ (Douglass chapter. 2). I chose this quote because I feel it greatly contributes to him being an inspiring abolitionist. Just by reading this I, by the way, he describes it and can feel what he is feeling through the description. This is one of his first real motivations to show him how bad slavery truly was. After hearing these songs it strengthened his resolve to get rid of slavery. This not only shows that he is an amazing writer that evokes emotions from the reader but that he plans to do something about …show more content…
Each of the quotes highlighted some of his many valuable traits that he already had and what he later developed. HIs traits all helped him in some sort of way in his life and that aided him in his progress. His life and experience definitely connected to the theme ¨Be The Change¨. He has done this through his perseverance and determination to end slavery and that would cause a great effect and change. Overall everyone who worked to get rid of slavery changed the future of America. I for one would not be free and for that, I am especially grateful to him because he helped change the world. It only takes one person or stone to cause a changing ripple