Frederick Douglass Address To The Dead Analysis

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Pages: 4

If Frederick Douglass was alive today, I believe that he would have the desire to speak to and inspire the Democratic party in order to encourage each member to remain focus on the race for freedom, fair treatment of all people, the truth and justice for all. It is my opinion that his address to the party would be performed as follows:
Members of the Democratic Party for the past eight years we have had great reason for celebration, we made history and voted an African American man for president. In addition to this, he has proven to be the best man for the position because he has closed the gap in the area of unemployment, he has ensured that all Americans may obtain affordable healthcare, there has been an increase of students attending college and the list goes one. However the time is come for us to prepare to elect a new president, with this in mind I would like to provide some words of encouragement to keep everyone focused on what is important as we are selecting the person that will represent the
Democratic Party in this race for the presidency.
Many years ago I stated, t' Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance
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We need to continue to fight for women to have equal rights, we need to continue to educate our minority children to ensure they are prepared for this global economy, and we need to continue to remember our past and stand in its truth, this way we will not be fooled into making the same mistakes. Republicans would like you to believe that Democratic are lazy, not educated and looking for the government for handouts. I want you to remember that as minorities we were taken from our homes, families, and placed into a foreign country, where we were beaten forced to work and build a strangers land. I mention this to make a point, if I survived during this time of horrible conditions to humanity, you will survive as