Frederick Douglass Irony Analysis

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Pages: 6

The irony of Frederick Douglass story is not lost as we begin a new century and anxieties about social change seem rife. The implication of the message, covering the first of many periods of transition, is that change is not normal to achieved easily; there is, in fact, no era or society in which change was easy feature to the social landscape. Frederick Douglass is considered one of the activists that wrote literature devoted to the abolitions movement. Frederick Douglass born in 1818, the son of a Maryland slave and an unknown white father. He experienced many of slavery’s worst horror such as, he was separated from his mother immediately after his birth and sent to Baltimore to work for a shipwright. “As a young boy he was sent to Baltimore, …show more content…
Douglass faced a different opposition to his support for antislavery even with antislavery society itself because he was few black men employed by mostly white antislavery society. The narrative stated that Douglass was questioned the truthfulness of his story about pervious slave status. However, Douglass showed his ability of telling his story and its interpretation as well. “bears all the appearance of the truth, and must, we conceive, help considerably to disseminate correct ideas respecting slavery and its attendant evils.” Douglass was actively organized slaves and encouraged those to fight for the Union because he understands the importance of post-Civil war reform as in way of abolishing slavery. He advice the president, “How to End the War”: “let the slaves and the liberating army, to march into South and raise the banner of Emancipation among the slaves.” He was successful on embracing anti-slavery because after Civil war president Lincoln issued the Emancipation