Frederick Douglass Mental Abuse Essay

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Pages: 4

Frederick Douglass he endured much pain from different people and some worse than others. Although physical abuse from slavery was damning on a person's life, the mental abuse they endured was even worse. They had to watch other slaves get whipped and tortured, never knew what to expect from their masters, seen as property and lastly treated inhumanely and traumatized. This further proves how the abuse Frederick Douglass and the slaves featured in his narrative The Life of Frederick Douglass endured more mental abuse than physically contrary to how people view the pain they went through now.
The way a child is raised and what they go through growing up plays a crucial role in the person they will grow up to be. Slaves were treated so horrendously,
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Slavery had become the norm in the Maryland. Frederick Douglass’ master Captain Anthony, had a savage overseer who hit and cut the slaves badly. Mr.Plummer the overseer kept all of the ‘property’ in line and was even more inhumane than Anthony. “Captain Anthony, died….he left no will as to the disposal of his property….I was immediately sent for, to be valued with the other property. Here again my feelings rose up in detestation of slavery. I had now a new conception of my degraded condition…. I left Baltimore with a young heart overborne with sadness, and a soul full of apprehension” (39). Captain Anthony had two kids that would split all of his property, since he didn’t have a will his things had to be valued, including Douglass. When Frederick Douglass actually realized that he was just ‘property’ to Captain Anthony it became clear to him that not only was he being held captive physically but even more so mentally because they had him trapped with fear thinking he could never be anything more than a slave.
In conclusion, the mental abuse they suffered was far worse than the physical abuse they endured. They had to watch other slaves get whipped and tortured, they never knew what they would get from their masters, viewed as property by white people and lastly treated inhumanely and traumatized. Although the whippings and lashings they got were brutal, the scabs will