Freedom Is Worth Dying

Words: 512
Pages: 3

What is worth dying for? To me freedom, family and friends are all worth dying for. Freedom is worth dying for, because not many people have it. Freedom is often taken of granite and is also commonly mistaken as a given in life not a privilege. Also all the things that come with freedom are greatly undervalued; such as freedom of choice. Speech, and press. Imagine not being able to make your own choice. In some countries the government gets to choose the type of haircut that people have. Freedom of speech allows you to share your opinion, therefor without you would not get to share your opinion of certain topics, it would be impossible to make a change for the better because you could not share your ideas. Also without freedom of speech, it would be hard to have opinions because now else can share theirs, so the country would work like a car stuck in mud. Now imagine a country with no freedom of the press. It would be the same news over and over and nothing would ever change. Their would be no opinions on how the country's doing. No opinion on the leader. The news would be boring, bland and dismal! Only 23% of the world's population has freedom and we are in the lucky 23% that do have freedom,so don’t take it for granite.

“Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” - unknown.I
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You can do anything with the support of a friend or even a group of friends. To me my friends are practically my second family, because they are always there for me and will support me through thick and thin. My friends will also never give up on me and push me to do better. Friends will also stand up and protect you if someone is being mean and you will do the same for them. “The antidote for 50 enemies is one friend” Aristotle. They will also comfort you when lonely. The nicest thing you can do to someone is be their