Freedom Of Speech

Words: 448
Pages: 2

Your own voice, the only tool you will ever need. Citizens of the United States are given the unalienable right to the freedom of speech in the Constitution. “Free speech has always been important throughout history because it has been used to fight for change. When we talk about rights today they wouldn’t have been achieved without free speech,” said Rachael Jolley, an advocate of the LGBT community. A person’s most powerful tool is their voice because it can be used to tell stories and make a change.

People’s voices are used as a tool to tell their stories. Telling stories is a method of relaying lessons and certain truths to the world. Individuals may share their experiences in order to instruct others what to do in similar situations. For example, a parent may tell stories from their upbringing to their children to channel life lessons to them. Historical events are also a prominent example of this because they teach us of important warnings from the past. Additionally, telling stories gives people a point of reference, allowing other people to relate to them. When people use their voice to stand up and share their experiences others are more likely to follow. Victims of
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Individuals can make a change in their communities by speaking or writing to their local legislators. Such request can range from opposing bills affecting LGBT rights to wanting a new local park. Citizens voice and opinions are extremely important in the political policy-making process because it connects decision makers to the reality of people’s lives. People can also use their voice as a method of criticism in order to create change. Recently, people have voiced their complaints about educational programs across multiple states. Each state educational board has responded by enacting different changes in order to compensate for certain situations. This proves that when people use the tool of their voice making change is