Essay Friendly Products

Submitted By 99002288
Words: 1403
Pages: 6

Why sell environmental friendly products when the delivery process is burning a hole in the o-zone layer?

Emma Organics being an environmentally friendly beauty company, you would expect business owners to ensure that every single aspect of the business would be environmentally friendly and doesn’t harm the Earth in any way, shape or form. When actually, Emma Organics produces beauty products such as facial cleansers, hand cream, body creams and more, which are all certified as organic products and also not tested on animals and are even packaged in recycled cardboard boxes… but, the company uses normal delivery service cars which pollute the world around us more than we know it.

The website for Emma Organics claims that all products being sold on this line are …

Fluoride free
Sulphate free
Vegan friendly
Mineral oil free
BFA certified organic
Made without synthetic chemicals
Not genetically modified
Non toxic
Made without additives
Made without fragrances
Made without artificial emulsifiers
Made without artificial preservatives
Made without animal ingredients
Made without colours
Not tested on animals

Having all of these points listed on the website would make any potential buyer think that by buying these products they are not only putting all natural products on their skin but they are also contributing to make the earth a less toxic place. Producing environmentally friendly products means nothing when the actual delivery processes of the products are affecting the environment and o-zone layer.

How exactly does the delivery service affect the world around us? Well, several different types of gases and particles are released when a car’s engine is running, which can have detrimental effects on the environment. The several different types of gases and particles released from a car’s engine, affect the environment in several different ways. Cars produce green house gases such as carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The reproductive, respiratory and immune systems of animals are also potentially affected due to some of the air pollutants from cars which can end up on surface waters and soil, which is then entered into the food chain of animals. The o-zone layer (which helps protect the living things on Earth from the Suns ultra-violet rays) is also in danger because of human activity, especially the use of car engines in day-to-day lives. In Australia alone, the total carbon emissions stood at 559.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and are expected to rise over the years as nothing is being put in place to make a difference.

The real question is, why bother having organic products that don’t harm the world around us in any way?, why bother having organic products boxed in recycled cardboard boxes sourced from Australia?, when the delivery process is causing more damage than anything?

This is where Friendly Deliveries comes in…

Friendly Deliveries

Friendly Deliveries is a local business that was founded in 2010, when business graduate Emma Bliss saw a need for Smart Cars to be used in the delivering industry in order to reduce the pollution in today’s society.

Mission statement
Friendly Deliveries is a well-trusted delivery service that delivers products fast, on time and safely. Our promise to you is that your company’s goods are delivered as environmentally friendly as possible to your customers.

How are we different to other delivery services?
Friendly Deliveries has a range of different sized Smart Cars to suit all jobs. We will deliver the products to the destinations in a way that doesn’t affect the environment like other motor vehicles used by other delivery companies.

What makes ‘smart cars’ so special?

Less carbon emissions
Limited noise pollution
Take up less space
Less chemical pollution in the air
Cost effective
The smart car is more environmentally friendly than traditional types of cars because they don’t produce tailpipe emissions and can