Funny In Farsi Literary Analysis

Words: 992
Pages: 4

In Funny in Farsi, by Firoozeh Dumas, the seven elements of fiction are used throughout the novel to contribute to the reader’s overall experience. Although Dumas initially immigrated to America temporarily due to her father’s job, she and her family eventually return. Dumas utilized the seven elements of fiction in a manner that effectively communicates her experiences as an Iranian immigrant in America. Dumas discusses the many obstacles she faces throughout her childhood, adulthood, marriage, and even employment opportunities. She effectively communicates each of these challenges through the seven elements of fiction. Dumas uses the element of plot as a way to introduce herself and her family, explaining their background and their reasons for immigrating to America initially. She does so in the following, “our move to Whittier was temporary. My father [was] an engineer with the National Iranian Oil Company [and[ had been assigned [work] for about to two years” (Dumas 3). After his two-year assignment was finished, Dumas and her family return to Iran. Her father’s job in 1976 brought them back to America, however, this was after the Iranian Revolution. Many Americans held prejudice towards Iranians due to the American hostages in Iran. As a result, Dumas and her family members met Americans with prejudices. She explains …show more content…
Since it is not an actual work of fiction, her point of view is not going to be classified in the traditional sense. Rather, Firoozeh point of view is the drive behind the memoir through which she communicates the life of an immigrant. Firoozeh does so throughout the memoir, but captures his element perfectly through the following “Despite a few exceptions, I have found that Americans are now far more willing to learn new names, just as they're far more willing to try new ethnic foods... It's like adding a few new spices to the kitchen pantry” (Firoozeh