Gary Yourofsky: Negative Effects Of Factory Farming

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Pages: 7

Negative effects of factory farming Gary Yourofsky, an activist for animals and promoter of veganism, said “why must a small group of people constantly have to explain to the masses why enslaving and murdering innocent beings is wrong”. We all have that image in our minds of a farm, we’ve been taught as children that there are beautiful farms where the animals are so happy and they roam free. But boy, are they wrong. The actual farms are more like factories where the animals are treated horrifically and the effects of factory farming are equally horrendous. There needs to be an end to factory farming because it’s disastrous to the animals, to our health, and to the planet. I’ve been told as a child like many other children …show more content…
Living near a or working on a factory farm Consuming animal products is the main source of saturated fats in America. Animal products lead to obesity, heart problems, diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol levels and shorter lifespan. As stated before, farm animals are given so many drugs to fatten them up and to keep them alive from the terrible conditions they are in and when we eat meat or dairy we are consuming those drugs and antibiotics. These drugs have be proven to significantly increase the chance of breast, colon and prostate cancer. Farm animals are kept in disgusting conditions so when they are killed most of bacteria and waste they are kept in are still on them so we are consuming the bacteria and germs. Factory farms have terrible waste management. Animals produce a lot of waste and they don't know how to control it. Animal waste is major cause of food and water supply like E.coli which kills thousands of people every year. A vegan diet contributes to none of these and saves many animal lives. There has been many myths going around about vegans; be it about protein or about taste. Here is a myth buster, vegans do get all the nutrients they need from fruits and vegetables. America is on a big hype on protein but there has been studies that too much protein especially animal protein is the main cause of so many diseases. Another myth buster, vegan food isn't terrible …show more content…
People need to go vegan so they can't stop paying people to murder innocent beings. To quote Mahatma Gandhi “the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. The bottom line is that we treat farm animals terribly and that is not the way to represent our nation because our nation is suppose to represent freedom and compassion. Let's put an end to factory farming so we can live in