Gasoline Persuasive Essay

Words: 441
Pages: 2

Melanise Otis
November 5, 2015
Topic Paper
Dr. Sieve

Which Gasoline Should You Buy?
When it comes to engine “knocking”, in older engines that uses carburetors that regulate the gas and air mix, higher octane gasoline was used to reduce the noise. Higher octane gasoline was used because “older engines could not regulate the air and fuel mix going into the engine as efficiently as a computerized fuel injector.” (Helmenstine 2015) When a carburetor is in need of a readjustment, it can cause a lot of fuel to be mixed with the air, causing the gas not to burn like it’s supposed to. The knocking of the engine noise came from something called a premature ignition. When a premature ignition happens it’s because the internal combustion engine occurs when the fuel and air mix in the cylinder and comes off correctly in response to the ignition by the spark plug, but also one or more pockets of fuel and air mixture explodes outside of the normal combustion front. It was beneficial when it came down to raising the octane, but gas and engines establishment changed. Nowadays gasoline is compelled of hydrocarbons
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Meaning the additives packages in gasoline that affect the frequency of engine wear. When most people purchase gasoline they buy regular or unleaded, which is highly recommended. Most people think that higher octane gasoline has more cleaning additives preventing gasoline build up than lower octane gas. Regular or Unleaded gas is highly flammable. It is more environmentally friendly and less hazardous because it does not have any lead compounds, which is known to cause cancer and stunt the growth of young children. Unleaded octane has a rating of 87 that refers to the ability to combat improper fuel